I was seven years old in 2nd grade. Most kids turn 8 during that year, but I had a summer birthday.
click image twice to enlarge Theresa Marie Hipskin, Epi Vigil, Mr. Masters, Mrs. Bency, Debbie ___?, Joseph Polaco Michael Vigil, ____ (she was from Italy)____, Annette DeLay, Benjamin Quintana Maria Martinez, Cerline Quintana, Eloy Manzanares, ____?___, Leroy ___, __?___, ___?___, Manuel ___, Barbara Valdez, Tommy Romero, Elsie Struck Sandra Adams, Rita Serrano, Angela Salazar, Patricia Alexander, Dan Lee, Vickey Starkey, Louis Martin
Our classroom was at the end of the barracks building that opened south toward the little store, so the far SW corner of the school property. There were two barracks in those days It was parallel to that, closer to the playground. We played WWII between the buildings, and used sand as resurrecting medicine. The second one was taken down after a year or two, and the one (two end-to-end?) that stayed was stuccoed and turned into Mr. Montoya's art room, Mr. Borrego's shop (in the middle, opening toward the main building) and Mr. Felix's band room (opening toward the north). What had once been 1-12, "up on the hill," was in these days 1-9. "The new high school" (torn down a couple of years ago) had 10-12. The new Española Elementary building wouldn't be built for three more years, and our class never went there. We were the youngest kids at the school in 5th, 6th and 7th grades, as enough classroom space was completed to add another year at the new Elementary. For anyone in this class, I have some of the ivy Mrs. Bency gave us to give our moms for Mother's Day. It was passed around to my aunts, and when I hadn't had any for years, my nephew had some and gave me a pot. Now I have lots, in case anyone remembers that and wants some. She had us bring 1 lb metal coffee cans, and we painted them with blue and white paint (house paint, I think it was), and brought cuttings which we helped root and plant, and we took them home in May. Except 1st grade, I went to Española Elementary, Española Jr. High (all in the same building, and later taught there), and Española High School. :-) Lots of the people in these photos probably did.
I posted on Facebook in "Española, do you remember when?" here, in 2017, so there might be commentary there, or you could leave some, Bio page ![]() ![]() |